U-H Web Directory » Listing Details

Title:Resource optimization
URL: http://www.eurodecision.eu
Description:The Eurodecision website offers assistance for business owners when it comes to things such as supply chain optimization, revenue management, marketing and more. The website promotes all of the latest in innovation and technology that have been shown to help clients in decision-making processes. Product design applications, supply chains, production, human resources and more are all discussed in great detail on the site. The site also provides information about why innovation is so important in today’s economy because a business must be ‘set apart’ from its competitors in order to succeed. It focuses on all of the sectors that lend the most to the global economy.
Aditional Resources: Eurodecision
Operations research
Supply chain optimization
Revenue management
Category:Arts & Humanities: Censorship
Approved on:November 28, 2013
Submitted on:November 28, 2013
Owner:Christina Clark
