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Title:Dental Instrument Descriptions
URL: https://www.dental-instruments.org/
Description:Various dental techniques have been used since ancient times. In the early Indus civilization, little bow drills were used to drill teeth and cure tooth-related disorders. Artifacts from ancient Egyptian and Greco-Roman civilizations reveal dental prosthetic and oral surgery techniques. Furthermore, the Greek scholars Hippocrates and Aristotle wrote about dentistry methods, including tooth extraction with forceps and the use of wires to stabilize loose teeth. Today, dental instruments that are used in many dental procedures include mouth mirrors, probes, tweezers, and pliers, as well as related dental tools and accessories.
Aditional Resources: Composite Instruments
Crown and Bridge Instruments
Local Anesthetic Devices
Orthodontic Instruments
Sterilization Equipment
Category:Business & Economy: Services: Video Editing
Approved on:November 30, 2021
Submitted on:November 30, 2021
